The Love of Christ
As a christian, one question I constantly ask myself is 'Why does God love me so much'? And although this is a question which will never be answered sufficiently, I have always longed for definite reasons why. However, after digesting Paul's letter to the church in Ephesus (Ephesians 3:17. NLT), where Paul asks the church to pray for ''power to understand how wide, how long, how high, and how deep Christs love is'', I realised that this wasn't going to be so straightforward after all.
It is the purest form of love we will ever find, perfect and unfailing. The bible tells us that Jesus laying down His life for the sins of all is infact the greatest act of love ever seen (John 15:3. NLT)
I received an answer to my burning question in a very subtle way. The moment I began to see God for who He is, simultaneously evaluating myself for who I really am, I had a breakthrough. One verse captures this picture perfectly ''While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8. NLT). Boom!! It finally hit me. God IS love! It is His nature. He showed this sacrificial love by pouring it on those who don't deserve it, the sinners who are in opposition with him. These ''sinners'' are you and I.
So if you are like me asking ''How can a perfect God love a sinner like me so unconditionally?'' Well, Here's a truly wonderful reason why - it's because of who He is and who we are.